WILLIAMS BAY — The updated application for a controversial resort proposed for Williams Bay is now available on the village’s website.

To view The Preserve at Williams Bay GDP Application click here.

To view Public Comments received through 11/6/2024 click here.

To view Public Comments received 11/6/2024 to 11/15/2024 click here.

To view the Village of Williams Bay Public Hearing on Amendments to Comprehensive Plan Public Notice click here.

To view the Village of Williams Bay Public Hearing on Zoning Map Amendment Public Notice click here.

The Agenda Packet will be available soon.

The resort, called the Preserve, has sparked controversy in in the community. Many in the community say a resort doesn’t fit the character of this primarily residential community, while others feel it is the best option for the property that has been for sale since 2023. (READ MORE)

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According to documents distributed by the company, Topography is under contract to purchase the 137-acre property and plan to build a resort that would include an inn with 68 accommodations, two restaurants, a retreat center, a 3,500 seat amphitheater, racquet center with tennis and pickleball courts, a boathouse and spa. 

The property includes the former George Williams College campus on the shore of Geneva Lake that closed in December of 2023 as well as the former golf course, originally designed by Dr. James Naismith, more well known as the father of basketball.

There also are plans to annex additional land from the town of Walworth to accommodate this project.

A joint Plan Commission and Village Board public meeting is planned for 7 p.m., Dec. 9 at the Williams Bay High School.

Following the public hearing, the Plan Commission and Village Board are expected to take action, according to Village Administrator David Lothspeich. Options include to continue, not approve or approve.

By Staff Report

Walworth County Community News