Beer snow, courtesy Sparky and Skeeter on Youtube

LAKE GENEVA — After nearly two weeks of below zero temperatures, we’ve all seen the social media videos of people tossing boiling water into the air, only to have it freeze before it hits the ground.

How to top that? Beer snow.

Special effects creator Dieter Sturm of Williams Bay, part of the YouTube duo Sparky and Skeeter, have found something way more Wisconsiny.

In a video posted to their YouTube channel, Sparky and Skeeter walk viewers through the process, (which predictably Leinenkugal beer brought to a boil with Johnsonville brats), ending with beer snow shot from a cannon.

The stunt has gone viral, being featured on TV stations like Madison’s 27 News and

Steve Harvey’s website took notice, here, and Yahoo business here.

Now it may not be the Lake Geneva Ice Castles or the U.S. National Snow Sculpting competition to brining visitors to Walworth County, but you never know where it may lead.

By Dan Plutchak

Dan Plutchak launched Walworth County Community News in 2021. He is the former editor of The Week and Walworth County Sunday.

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