WALWORTH COUNTY — Freezing rain moving through Walworth County Tuesday morning made many rural roads impassible earlier in the day.
The worst stretches are in the southern half of the county where Walworth County Highway crews have been out all morning.
Reader photos shared to the Walworth County Scanner Facebook page showed a school bus sideways along Brick Church Road near Walworth and a video showed multiple slideoffs on County Highway B.
County crews most recently made a pass along Highway B just before 9 a.m.
Walworth County Highway Department crews pre-treated many roads yesterday with brine, however roadways remained slippery.
I-43 near Elkhorn is ice covered, and all other Walworth County Highways are listed as having icy stretches, according to the Wisconsin DOT.
A wintry mix of freezing rain, snow, and rain is expected to continue through the afternoon.